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Todd White - It is not about YOU!



What does it mean to really surrender? It's about Him, not about you.

Daniel in lion's den, his boys in the fire - they didn't get eaten or burned. But if it's about you, you'll get eaten and get burned.

David = a man after God's heart.

David cuts off piece of Saul's robe when they were in the cave. Who are you when no one's looking?

It's faith in Him, not in me.

It's not about getting into fulltime ministry- it's about being a full time Christian. 

Are we faithful in every aspect in our lives? Do people around us see Christ from us?

It's not okay to just be normal or just go to church.

You don't come to church to get loved. You still have the need to be accepted/loved. --> Then you get rejected by people. If we approach people in Him, we don't get rejected.

We've been already accepted by God.

We don't live by how we feel.

We do what God says, not what makes us feel good.

God wants to raise up a bride, not a good scripture quoter.

The world has heard it all, but hasn't seen it.

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

It's Christ in you in the hope of glory being transformed into the original image God created us to be in the beginning.

God's words dominate my experience.

Salvation gets in us and starts to shake everything inside.

He molds us from inside out. --> Our life as living sacrifice.

All parts out, all parts in. 

People come to God not because you preach well but you live the life in such a way. When everyone around you gets wrecked by your life.

We have been given the ministry of reconciliation.

Phillippians 3:10 Power of resurrection + fellowship of the sufferings.

Luke 14:26-27 Those who don't hate family members and even their own lives cannot become my disciples. (If you don't love me most you can't love me more)

Abraham and his son - God promised to produce offsprings from the son, then asks to sacrifice the son.

What does it mean to deny yourself? to hate your life and to lay it down?

What does it look like to love God with everything you are? 

Because God really is your provider.

Don't be conformed to the world and the way it functions. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you know what the will of Your God is.

Every part of you - it's either surrendered or not. In or out. No in between.

The process of trials is for us to surrender.

It's not about how you are treated. Humility is choosing someone else.

Even when everyone is against me, God is for me.

Marriage is a covenant. Did God divorce you? No. You don't deserve better, you deserve hell.

Making someone a victim is not helping that person. Do we really serve our feelings/emotions or serve God?

Faith = substance of what we hope for, evidence of things we don't yet see.

Time to rise up and be a declaring bride. To bring Heaven on earth everywhere we go. This is a call to war, call to reality of who we really are.

Doesn't matter what school/family thinks. Jesus is bigger than all these things.

It's not you and your program/efforts to bring people to the Gospel. It's Jesus and Him crucified.

Paul: "I would not boast in anything than in Jesus and Him crucified".

So many things outside God's finished work to "bring people to freedom".

Freedom is in the cross.