I.... hate packing. I never liked it though I've been doing this numerous times each year. This time it was especially hard because I had to bring out all the winter clothes, which I never really got to wear for last two years. Well, maybe for a couple weeks when I'm back in Korea for winter break? :P Cali weather had indeed spoiled me. At one point I found myself having a serious meltdown or so-called menboong (mental collapse) sitting in front of an already more than half-full luggage, which only contained a very small portion of my winter clothings. Besides, packing for US is generally wayyy more hassle-free; you are allowed two check-in luggages while for Europe you are allowed to bring only one. I also had to make sure my luggages would meet the standards for both airlines I'm flying because I'm transferring in Germany. This is a picture of packing in mid-progress, aka complete chaos:
Anyways, enough with all the whinings! Thinking back, ever since I started attending high school, I never settled in one place for a period longer than a year. In high school we had to change our room and roommates every semester; in college I still come back to Korea during winter/summer breaks. The longest time I stayed in one place was for nine months when I was waiting to go to college after high school graduation. Even now, after a good three months of summer break I'm going to a totally different place for another three-month period. Wait.. when I come back, I'll only have 10-something days left for year 2012. What.. that's freaky..
This week's been very busy doing final preparations for the stay, and my flight is now only 12 hours away. Print out tickets/maps- check. Currency exchange- check. Shuttle reservation- check. Phone roaming- check. Oh, there's one good news and one bad news; the good news is that I finally got my iphone unlocked and I can use it wherever I go! :) Big big big Yay because I've been struggling with this since June. Take that, AT&T! I'm free from your stupid 2-year contract excuse lolol. And the bad news is that probably I will not be able to use internet at home in Lausanne. I'm worried because I'm a huge internet addict just like everybody is haha. So this week I've been stuffing my kindle & iphone with all kinds of e-books and recent music. But I'll definitely have internet at work so hopefully it won't be something like totally-cast-away-from-civilization kind of situation. As of now I'm starting to think maybe it's gonna be good to have my own free time, with internet and everything set aside. Or maybe I'm making up excuses. I dunno. lolz
This post's not supposed to be depressing and all over the place but it seems like it is. I really am not! If you can't tell, I'm SUPERSUPERSUPERR EXCITED :) :)) It's just that I tend to be too full of worries whenever I try to do something new. So I always try to remind myself I should loosen up a little, pay attention to my surroundings, and just enjoy where I am. Maybe this trip can be a good chance for me to do that. I think I've already had enough seriousness in my life haha. Wrapping up, though I can't make any promises, once everything is settled I'll try to come back here ASAP with news, hopefully with pictures!
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