It's either we have renewed mind or are on a war against God. (No neutral ground)
The transformed mind looks like Jesus on the mountain transfiguration (conjunction with heaven's reality so that it can manifest on earth)
Demons inspire evil mind, and vice versa. (they feed on evil things from our minds)
Thought patterns develop in a way that God is replaced with something evil.
Grasping control outside of divine order --> the issue of flesh --> witchcraft
Image) Cities with walls built around them, walls begin to break down with problems/damage/war
In the renewed mind, thoughts in sync with God build up the blocks one by one.
Flies are attracted to decay/death- the reality unseen (closed freezer) allows the flies to inhabit there.
There is fragrance to our thoughts that attracts the empowered.
Angels recognize the fragrance to enforce what is in heart of God, when God says something.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.)
--> There is partnership between ungodly thoughts and spiritual beings.
It's not just about memorizing/quoting verses, but about learning experientially to see from divine perspective. More than just answering to certain need or counseling sb with spiritual problem.
When Lord unveils truth, he didn't invent it just that moment but has existed the whole time.
But when he lifts the veil he gives us the chance/opportunity to experience that truth in reality.
If people can believe and experience the divine truth in our lives, we will not have controversies over them anymore.
When we believe a lie, we empower the lier.
When we pull down the demonic realm of thought, what happens is that the demonic realm that had been inspiring and infecting the chaos starts to dissipate, because it's replaced with divine perspective.
Romans 12:2 (Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.)
The Lord revealings himself through the renewed mind. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
The renewed mind is to prove the will of God on earth as it is on heaven.
A renewed mind enhances/fuels faith and creates context/greenhouse for faith to grow safely.
"Be transformed" - reflects the reality of the other world.
We need to discern between our job/responsibility and our destiny.
Destiny: heaven (God's job to bring me there. It's not my job to get there), Responsibility: to bring heaven here.
Why does the verse say "approve", not "prove"?
He made the heaven for himself and earth for man. God chose to defeat the demonic realm through those made in His image who became His worshippers by choice. And Jesus became "Amen" to restore the original destiny.
God sometimes wants to answer our prayer to us, but through us.
"Approve" = to thoroughly examine and confirm that it's authentic.
Sometimes b/c of God's ability to use a problem for His purpose, we flatly think he approved the problem to exist in our lives.
Godly thinking is a weapon in spiritual warfare. It positions us to destroy the realities in which the demonic realms exist.
Demons say "we made a contract with your blood, you don't have the authority to break it" but we can to cancel that contract in Jesus' name.
There can't be toleration to things against the words of God.
"When you have personal breakthrough in the area of renewed mind, your breakthrough that is personal/private becomes a corporate blessing, b/c God actually positions you not only on the inside of the experience but the grace through impartation and discipleship, the same thing to other people with same problem. So your position enables you to pull people simply by your favor into your personal breakthrough."
$500 in $50 incident: The renewed mind sees the potential of a moment, it's not restricted in time and space. It sees the godly investment of words/prayer/attitude/thought contributing to this momentum God is creating.
6-hr unbroken chain of paying for coffee for people behind your car: The activity of God is not just an action, but it releases an atmosphere that people begin to drive into to think and process with the way the Spirit of God thinks and sees.
Once the Lord reveals His nature to you, He wasn't showing you a one-time activity but he was showing you the way He deals with covenant people. And to begin a thought pattern that is inconsistent with that is to war with covenant of God.
Everytime there is an act of God, however simple or small, through you, it releases the glory into the atmosphere.
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